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Unit:in Person
Fulltime Students of  SVSs
Parttime Students  of  SVSs
Teachers,Staff & Workers
聘请校外教师Part-time Teachers 
毕业生数Graduates 招生数Entrants 在校学生数Enrolment 毕业生数Graduates 招生数Entrants 在校学生数Enrolment 毕业生数Graduates 招生数Entrants 在校学生数Enrolment
其中:专任教师 of which: Full-time Teachers
计Total 正高级Senior 副高级Sub-senior 中级Middle 初级Junior 无职称
No Rank
      Total                      5096654 7117770 17798473 4973849 6642300 17097558 122805 475470 700915 969477 682151 5034 133860 274104 207375 61778 100335
  其中:女  of Which: Female 2529152 3447995 8794952 2471839 3245407 8502565 57313 202588 292387 445358 334693 1714 57795 134568 108488 32128 41526

分办学类型:By Types
           普通中专学校 Reg. Specialized Sec. Schools

2020988 2940334 7573886 1994406 2701013 7259100 26582 239321 314786 411303 272270 2052 61371 104484 77160 27203 42362
           成人中专学校 Specialized Sec. Schools for Adults   304941 434278 1020664 232273 323948 805777 72668 110330 214887 94181 62587 543 14819 29466 14684 3075 25372
           职业高中学校 Vocational High Schools   2142320 3146181 7602526 2138945 3075064 7526431 3375 71117 76095 425577 321511 2130 52080 129601 108272 29428 27566
           其他机构 Other Institutions  628405 596977 1601397 608225 542275 1506250 20180 54702 95147 38416 25783 309 5590 10553 7259 2072 5035
分举办者:By Providers                              1.中央部门 Under Central Ministries & Agencies  23376 24444 72856 20660 22603 66263 2716 1841 6593 5802 3367 18 721 1346 1070 212 1645
         2.地方部门 Under Local Authorities   4255789 5812938 14544660 4142369 5403127 13955740 113420 409811 588920 792319 571429 1503 120368 233755 178108 37695 79785
               教育部门 Under Ed. Dept  3020387 4301986 10489404 2969622 4042172 10162299 50765 259814 327105 574778 438257 751 87537 181078 141658 27233 38228
               非教育部门 Run by Non-ed. Dept 1235402 1510952 4055256 1172747 1360955 3793441 62655 149997 261815 217541 133172 752 32831 52677 36450 10462 41557
         3.民办 Non-state/private  817489 1280388 3180957 810820 1216570 3075555 6669 63818 105402 171356 107355 3513 12771 39003 28197 23871 18905
Note:SVSs=Secondary Vocational School.(Same as the Following)

