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Basic Statistics of Regular Schools in China by Level & Type
Unit:in 10 Thousand
  学校数 毕业生数 招生数 在校学生数 教职工数 Teachers, Staff & Workers
  (所) Schools Graduates Entrants Enrolment   Total 其中: 专任教师 Of Which:Full- time Teachers
总计Total 861009 4635.06 6776.45 24325.62 1476.67 1179.15
一、研究生 Graduate Education 775 5.47 9.22 23.36  
1.高等学校Inst.of Higher Educations 446 5.08 8.68 21.87  
2.科研机构 Research Organizations 329 0.39 0.54 1.49  
二、普通高等学校本专科Reg.Inst.of Higher Educations Undergraduates  1071 84.76 159.68 413.42 106.51 42.57
本科Nonmal course 597 62.30 111.84 314.93 87.37 33.58
专科Short-Cycle course 474 21.01 40.21 87.83 18.81 8.82
分校大专班Undergraduate Classes Branch Schools   1.45 7.63 10.66 0.33 0.17
三、普通中等学校 Reg.Secondary Schools 94991 2227.28 2955.47 7977.45 602.71 460.16
1.中等专业学校Specialized Sec. Schools 3962 140.15 163.37 515.50 52.86 27.37
中等技术学校Sec. Technical Schools 3147 109.25 134.25 424.98 42.14 21.18
中等师范学校Teachers Training Schools  815 30.90 29.12 90.52 10.72 6.19
2.技工学校Skilled Worker Schools 4098 66.25 51.55 156.05 26.98 15.03
3.普通中学General Sec. Schools 77213 1852.71 2546.00 6771.28 475.36 384.06
高中 Senior  14127 262.91 396.32 1049.71   69.24
初中 Junior  63086 1589.80 2149.68 5721.57   314.81
4.职业中学 Vocational Schools 9636 167.83 194.14 533.92 47.23 33.55
高中 Senior  8317 143.69 160.38 443.84   29.61
初中 Junior 1319 24.14 33.76 90.08   3.94
5.工读学校 Correctional Work-study Schools 82 0.34 0.41 0.71 0.28 0.16
四、小学 Primary Schools  582291 2313.74 2029.53 13547.96 647.12 586.05
五、特殊教育学校 Special Education Schools  1520 3.81 5.01 37.16 4.51 3.14
六、幼儿园 Kindergartens 181136   1617.54 2326.26 115.83 87.24

