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Basic Statistics of Adult Schools in China by Level & Type
Unit:in 10 Thousand Person
  学校数 毕业生数 招生数 在校学生数 教职工数 Teachers, Staff & Workers
  (所) Schools Graduates Entrants Enrolment 计 Total 其中: 专任教师 Of Which:Full-time Teachers
总计 Total 725631 10974.27 9664.26 8346.24 119.37 49.20
一、成人高等学校Higher Educational Institutions for Adults 871 88.82 115.77 305.49 20.01 9.76
 1.广播电视大学 Radio/TV Universities 45 17.02 19.38 48.68 5.32 2.57
 2.职工高等学校 Workers' Colleges 507 10.17 12.40 32.80 8.15 4.11
 3.农民高等学校 Peasants' Colleges 3 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.02 0.01
 4.管理干部学院 Institutes for Administration 146 6.63 7.19 17.10 3.21 1.34
 5.教育学院 Educational Colleges  166 6.86 9.61 22.73 3.22 1.68
 6.独立函授学院Independent Correspondence Colleges 4 0.44 0.40 1.22 0.09 0.05
 7.普通高等学校举办: Run by Regular HEIs 0 47.65 66.74 182.84 0.00 0.00
函授部 Divisions of Correspondence   26.88 37.72 106.99  
夜大学 Evening Schools   9.90 13.27 40.09  
成人脱产班 Short-cycle Courses for Adults   10.87 15.75 35.76  
合计中:电大普通专科班 Of the Total:Reg.Full-time Short-cycle Courses Provided by RTVUs for Sec. Schools Graduates   7.22 8.14 19.77  
二、成人中等学校Sec.Education for Adults  544657 10327.30 9028.79 7503.93 80.39 33.70
 1.成人中等专业学校Specialized Sec. Schoolsfor adults 5165 118.81 97.97 302.12 23.22 13.07
 广播电视中等专业学校 Radio/TV Specialized Sec. Schools 151 21.42 18.77 62.54 1.83 0.90
 职工中等专业学校Specialized Sec. Schoolsfor Staff & Workers 2093 29.13 25.24 80.89 8.83 4.78
干部中等专业学校Specialized Sec. Schools for Cadres 290 5.09 4.12 11.98 1.55 0.78
 农民中等专业学校Specialized Sec.Schools for Peasants 440 8.28 7.34 21.93 2.09 1.35
 函授中等专业学校Correspondence Specialized Sec. Schools 62 6.78 4.91 13.70 1.00 0.48
 教师进修学校 In-service Teachers Training Schools 2129 16.56 9.37 27.18 7.92 4.78
其他类学校举办Run by Other Type School   31.55 28.22 83.90  
 2.成人中学 General Sec.Schools for Adults 5277 51.61 54.29 65.18 3.46 2.05
 职工中学 General Sec. Schools for Staff & Workers 1655 22.99 29.79 32.58 2.01 1.13
 农民中学 General Sec.Schools for Peasants 3622 28.62 24.50 32.60 1.45 0.92
 3.成人技术培训学校 Technical Schools for Adults 534215 10156.88 8876.53 7136.63 53.71 18.58
 职工技术培训学校 General Sec. Schools for Staff & Workers 11326 609.23 599.11 386.40 9.00 4.71
 农民技术培训学校Technical Training Schools for Peasants 522889 9547.65 8277.42 6750.23 44.71 13.87
三、成人初等学校 Adult Primary Schools 180103 558.15 519.70 536.82 18.97 5.74
 1.职工初等学校Worker Primary Schools 964 15.54 19.45 19.75 0.34 0.18
 2.农民初等学校 Peasant Primary Schools 179139 542.61 500.25 517.07 18.63 5.56
其中:扫盲班Of Which:Literacy Classes 128668 299.27 255.78 283.19 13.64 3.74

