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Number of Regular Schools by Level & Type
Unit : Number of Schools
  1949 1965 1978 1980 1985 1998 1999
普通高等学校 Reg.Inst.of Higher Education   205 434 598 675 1016 1022 1071
普通中等学校 Reg.Secondary Schools                                         5219 81274 167118 128065 108494 96548 95255
普通中等学校 Reg.Secondary Schools                                                    
 中等专业学校 Specialized Sec. Schools                                         1171 1265 2760 3069 3557 4109 3962
 中等技术学校 Sec. Technical Schools                                           561 871 1714 2052 2529 3234 3147
 中等师范学校 Teachers Training Schools                                    610 394 1046 1017 1028 875 815
 技工学校 Skilled Worker Schools                                               3 281 2013 3305 3548 4362.00 4098
 普通中学 General Sec. Schools                                               4045 18102 162345 118377 93221 77888 77213
  高中 Senior                                              1597 4112 49215 31300 17318 13948 14127
  初中 Junior                                                                2448 13990 113130 87077 75903 63940 63086
  职业中学 Vocational Schools                                           - 61626 ... 3314 8070 10074 9636
  工读学校 Correctional Work-study Schools                                           - - - ... 98 82 82
小学 Primary Schools                                                346769 1681939 949323 917316 832309 609626 582291
特殊教育学校 Special Education Schools                                        ... 266 292 292 375 1535 1520
... 19226 163952 170419 172262 181368 181136
