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Number of Full-time Teachers by Field of Study in Regular Higher Educational Institutions

Unit: in Person
  合计 Total 教授 Professors 副教授 Asso. prof. 讲师 Lecturers 助教 Assistants 教员 Instructors 合计中公共课教师 of total: Faculty members Teaching Basic Courses
总计 Total 425682 39359 125900 156390 83196 20837 84311
其中:女 Of which: Female                                                              158974 5933 37896 65359 39855 9931 32253
哲学 Philosophy 14263 1166 4371 5920 2333 473 7518
经济学 Economics 33785 2576 9184 13602 6846 1577 3301
法学 Law 11637 882 2839 4941 2348 627 2461
教育学 Education 38246 1519 9327 16205 9109 2086 19961
文学 Literature 74725 4632 18643 28020 18361 5069 21997
历史学 History 8074 962 2489 3144 1183 296 1610
理学 Science 76095 7850 25912 26708 12524 3101 18689
工学 Engineering 117940 12886 37579 41378 20938 5159 6646
农学 Agriculture 14959 1902 4805 5141 2481 630 268
医学 Medicine 35958 4984 10751 11331 7073 1819 1860

