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Condition of School Buildings in Specialized Secondary Schools
  合计 Total 中等技术学校 Secondary Technical 中等师范学校 Teacher Training Schools
  计 Total 教学及辅助用房 Teaching & Assistant Buildings 行政办公用房Administritive 生活福利用房  Residential and Welfare 计 Total 教学及辅助用房 Teaching & Assistant Buildings 行政办公用房Administritive 生活福利用房  Residential and Welfare 计 Total 教学及辅助用房 Teaching & Assistant Buildings 行政办公用房Administritive 生活福利用房  Residential and Welfare
校舍建筑面积 Floor Space   108475370 39124327 6647398 62703645 87830617 31424622 5367514 51038481 20644753 7699705 1279884 11665164
其中:被外单位借占面积of which: Under long-term lease or occupation by other units 347829 139338 20311 188180 322374 133706 16801 171867 25455 5632 3510 16313
危险房屋面积 Floor Space of Dilapidated Buildings  984251 196752 32602 754897 810706 164908 22460 623338 173545 31844 10142 131559
当年新增面积 New Floor Space Added in Current Year 5428194 1942488 200735 3284971 4516635 1625057 172380 2719198 911559 317431 28355 565773
正在施工面积 Floor Space under construction  3767001 1477541 196018 2093442 2992790 1163766 174639 1654385 774211 313775 21379 439057
借、租用校舍面积 Leased floor space 923696 432499 57633 433564 903657 426796 57238 419623 20039 5703 395 13941

