Net Enrolment Ratio of School-age Children |
单位:人 |
Unit:in person |
学龄儿童总数 |
已入学学龄儿童数 |
入学率(%) |
Total School-age Children |
No. of School-age Childen Enrolled |
Net Enrolment Ratio |
总计 Total |
133693116 |
132268067 |
98.93 |
城市 Urban |
17751766 |
17641136 |
99.38 |
县镇 County Seats & Towns |
25371431 |
25227764 |
99.43 |
农村 Rural |
90569919 |
89399167 |
98.71 |
总计中:女儿童 of the total Girls |
63975926 |
63247696 |
98.86 |