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Number of  Students by Field of Study in Specialized Secondary Schools
Unit:in Person
  毕业生数Graduates 合计  Total 招高中毕业生数
From Senior Sec. Schools Graduates
From Junior  Sec. Schools Graduates
在校学生数Enrolment 毕业班学生数Graduates     for Next Year
总计 Total 1293115 1668262 147592 1520670 4980752 1396956
工科 Industry 356168 544298 31849 512449 1690552 404603
农科 Agriculture 44799 67489 3271 64218 194972 49883
林科 Forestry 10088 14920 657 14263 45510 10299
医药卫生科 Health 126285 167279 4271 163008 493576 136798
财经 Finance & Economics 212121 198564 22472 176092 656962 211539
管理 Administration 131878 197906 18684 179222 551060 153795
政法 Politics & Law 42376 55160 29516 25644 125135 45404
艺术 Art 37282 72148 3031 69117 200427 44629
体育 Physical Culture 17618 24138 311 23827 70241 19979
师范 Teachers Training 314500 326360 33530 292830 952317 320027
其中:幼儿师范专业 Of  Which:for Pre-School Teacher 25477 29375 411 28964 87604 28149
特教师范专业 For Special Education 2143 2207 315 1892 6753 2137

