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Number of Teachers, Staff & Workers in Adult Spacialized Secondary Schools
单位: 人
                   Unit : in Person
校本部教职工数 Employees in the School Proper 兼任教师数
    专任教师 教辅人员 行政人员   Part-time
  合计 Full-time  Supporting Adm. 工勤人员 Teachers
  Total Teachers Staff Personnel Workers
总计 Total 231620 127332 23711 45364 35213 62092
其中:女教职工 of which:Female     91433 50808 11367 15036 14222 18018
一、教师小计 Those with teaching rank 121106 97178 7426 15065 1437 38447
高级讲师 Senior Lecturers 21598 16092 831 4596 79 9483
讲师 Lecturers 58596 47418 3314 7422 442 22086
助理讲师 Assistant Lecturers 40912 33668 3281 3047 916 6878
二、其他小计 Those with other professional ranks                   58228 22281 9882 18534 7531 20971
副高级职称 Senior-level ones 6444 3125 600 2133 586 3874
中级职称 Middle-level ones 25429 10477 4037 8381 2534 12747
初级职称 Junior-level ones 26355 8679 5245 8020 4411 4350
三、无职称人数  Without professional titles        52286 7873 6403 11765 26245 2674

