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Number of Senior Level Students in Adult Vocational Schools by Field of Study


Unit: in Person

  合计 工科 农科 林科 医药卫生科 财经科 管理科 政法 艺术 体育 师范
  Total  Industry Agriculture Forestry Health Finance & Economics Administration Politics & Law Art Physical Culture Teacher Training
毕(结)业生数 Graduates 1291747 443464 112872 24779 98997 285660 148896 25529 62683 11603 77264
招生数 Entrants 1803381 645079 152977 31755 119027 324741 247132 46105 103676 27490 105399
在校生数 Enrolment 4309972 1494720 340409 69753 320823 876223 563187 95153 233260 55780 260664
毕(结)业班学生数 Graduates for Next year 1385335 468002 115050 24374 107370 305797 167216 28437 70238 17174 81677

