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Supplementary Data on Specialized Secondary Schools

    学校藏书 固定资产总额 教研仪器设备值 生产实习设备值
占地面积 (万册) ( 万 元) ( 万 元) ( 万 元)
(平方米 ) Library collections  Fix assets Equipments & Instruments for Teaching and Research Equipments for Production and Practive
  Area of school site(m2) (in 10000 volumes) (in 10000 yuan) (in 10000 yuan) (in 10000 yuan)
总计 Total 262747555 20787 4223392 671516 236707
中等技术学校Sec. Technical Schools 208056028 16193 3453256 549182 204186
中等师范学校Teacher Training Schools 54691527 4595 770136 122334 32521

