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Changes of Full-time Teachers in Special Education Schools


Unit: in Person
  上学年初报表                          本学年初报表
专任教师数 Factors of Increase Factors of Decrease 专任教师数
Total Number   录用毕业生 调入 校内调整     自然减员 调出 校内调整   Total Number
  of Full-time New Recruits Teachers Of Which: with 其他 Retired from Transferred Of Which: with 其他 of Full-time
  Teachers at   from  Recruited change of     their posts  from teaching to change of   Teachers at
  Beginning of Total Current from status in  Others Total during  Non-Teaching status in  Others Beginning 
  Previous   Year Other their own     previcus posts their own   of Current
  Academic Year   Graduates Units institutions     academic year   institutions   Academic Year
  合计 Total 31908 3262 868 1422 634 338 1774 501 525 430 318 33396
 其中女           Of Which: Female 23052 2284 639 1004 400 241 1155 384 327 255 189 24181
