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Number of Minority Teachers, Staff & Workers of Schoolsof All Levels & Types

  教职工计 Teachers, Staff & Workers 少数民族教职工 Minority Teachers, Staff & Workers 专任教师计 Full-time Teachers 少数民族专任教师 Minority Full-time Teachers                      
人数 Number 占教职工总数的比重(%) Percentage 人数 Number 占专任教师总数的比重(%) Percentage
一、高等教育 Higher Education            
(一)研究生培养机构(不计校数Institutions Providing Postgraduate Programs            
     1、普通高校 Regular HEIs            
     2、科研机构 Research Institutes            
(二)普通高等学校 Regular HEIs 161.07 7.89 4.90 85.84 4.30 5.01
     1、本科院校 HEIs Offering Degree Programs 113.70 5.77 5.08 57.53 3.01 5.24
     2、专科院校 Short-cycle HEIs 40.36 1.87 4.64 23.77 1.12 4.73
       其中:职业技术学院 Of Which: Tertiary Vocational-technical Colleges 32.75 1.27 3.86 19.34 0.76 3.91
     3、其他机构(点)(不计校数) Other Institutions 7.00 0.25 3.52 4.54 0.16 3.52
其中:独立学院          5.32 0.20 3.75 3.54 0.13 3.72
(三)成人高等学校 Adult HEIs 15.50 0.73 4.70 8.61 0.41 4.82
(四)民办的其他高等教育机构 Non-state/private HEIs 5.49 0.09 1.58 2.60 0.04 1.58
二、中等教育 Secondary Education            
   (一)高中阶段教育 Senior Secondary            
      1、高中 Senior Secondary Schools            
          普通高中 Regular Schools 562.40 41.16 7.32 119.07 7.36 6.18
          成人高中 Adult Schools            
      2、中等职业教育 Secondary Vocational Schools            
          普通中专 Regular Specialized Sec. Schools 33.28 2.06 6.20 19.71 1.29 6.55
          成人中专 Adult SSSs 12.53 0.63 5.05 7.58 0.40 5.23
          职业高中 Vocational High Schools 37.72 1.35 3.59 27.06 0.94 3.49
          技工学校 Skilled Workers Schools            
          其他机构(教学点)(不计校数) Other Institutions 4.34 0.15 3.40 2.76 0.09 3.13
   (二)初中阶段教育 Junior Secondary Education            
      1、普通初中 Regular Junior Secondary Schools       347.68 27.25 7.84
      2、职业初中 Vocational JSSs 2.80 0.32 11.58 2.37 0.28 11.84
      3、成人初中 Adult JSSs            
三、初等教育 Primary Education            
   (一)普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 617.14 62.26 10.09 562.89 56.86 10.10
   (二)成人小学 Adult Primary Schools 14.03 1.50 10.68 4.33 0.31 7.14
         其中:扫盲班 Of Which: Literacy Classes            
四、工读学校 Correctional Work-Study Schools            
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools 4.14 0.21 5.04 3.11 0.16 5.14
六、学前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions 104.73 4.32 4.12 65.61 2.88 4.39
Note:The number of minority teachers,staff and workers employed by junior secondary schools is included in that employ by seniro secondary schools。 

