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Number of Students of Formal Education by Type and Level



unit: person

  毕业生数 招生数 在校生数
Graduates Entrants Enrolment
一、高等教育 Higher Education      
(一)研究生 Postgraduates 535863 621323 1847689
  Doctor´s Degree 53653 72634 312676
  Master´s Degree 482210 548689 1535013
   (二)普通本专科 Undergraduate in Regular HEIs 6593671 7213987 25476999
  Normal Courses 3413787 3834152 15410653
  Short-cycle Courses 3179884 3379835 10066346
   (三)成人本专科 Undergraduate in Adult HEIs 2212329 2656040 6531212
  Normal Courses 899050 1102409 2797917
  Short-cycle Courses 1313279 1553631 3733295
   (四)其他各类高等学历教育 Students Enrolled in Other Formal Programs      
1. 在职人员攻读硕士学位 Master´s Degree Programs for On-the-job Personnel   162374 596086
2. 网络本专科生 Web-based Undergraduates 1661306 2061852 6314472
  Normal Courses 586272 781445 2287010
  Short-cycle Courses 1075034 1280407 4027462
二、中等教育  Secondary Education 28928894 28641793 86015438
   (一)高中阶段教育  Senior Secondary Education 14349208 14163578 41706510
1. 高中  Senior Secondary Schools 8119745 7965960 24153687
普通高中  Regular Senior Secondary Schools 7996189 7965960 24004723
完全中学  Combined Secondary Schools 2514209 2530020 7576658
高级中学  Regular High Schools 5281303 5186359 15735711
十二年一贯制学校  12-year Schools 200677 249581 692354
成人高中 Adult High Schools 123556   148964
2. 中等职业教育  Secondary Vocational Education 6229463 6197618 17552823
普通中专  Regular Specialized Secondary Schools 2477321 2596594 7491366
成人中专  Adult Specialized Secondary Schools 900470 741601 1943596
职业高中  Vocational High Schools 1783728 1615358 4728165
技工学校  Skilled Workers Schools 1067944 1244065 3389696
(二)初中阶段教育  Junior Secondary Education 14579686 14478215 44308928
1. 初中  Junior Secondary Schools 14135127 14478215 43846297
初级中学  Regular Junior Secondary Schools 10296180 10452499 31720045
九年一贯制学校  9-year Schools 1681372 1877028 5524430
十二年一贯制学校  12-year Schools 219881 259380 755092
完全中学  Combined Secondary Schools 1934473 1886935 5839005
职业初中  Vocational Junior Secondary Schools 3221 2373 7725
2. 成人初中  Adult Junior Secondary Schools 444559   462631
三、初等教育 Primary Education 15882235 16584245 95674926
   (一)普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 14766280 16584245 94510651
小学 Primary Schools 13265761 14993164 85260959
九年一贯制学校 9-year Schools 1376765 1454522 8485902
十二年一贯制学校 12-year Schools 123754 136559 763790
   (二)成人小学 Adult Primary Schools 1115955   1164275
其中:扫盲班 of Which: Literacy Classes 441537   455524
四、工读学校 Correctional Work-Study Schools 3000 3528 8494
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools 49032 70713 394870
六、学前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions 15271571 19877752 40507145



Note:1. Number of the students in Combined Secondary Schools, 9-year Schools,12-year Schools are classified by educational level;

2. Number of the Students Followed in the Regular Primary and Middle School in the Special Education.

