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Number of Non-government Schools by Type and Level



Unit: person

  学校数(所)  Schools 毕业生数Graduates 招生数 在校生数


Educational Personnel

专任教师数Full-time Teachers 另有其他学生数 
Entrants Enrolment Other Students
一、民办高等教育 Non-government Higher Education              
  (一)民办高校 Non-government HEIs 728 1419645 1729617 5871547 412824 293954 317345
            Master´s Degree   106 170 408      
        本科学生 Normal Courses   808097 927750 3748336      
        专科学生 Short-cycle Courses   611442 801697 2122803      
        其中:独立学院 283 625703 651237 2690625 183308 136303 29095
of Which: Independent Institutions 
               本科学生 Normal Courses   581894 605654 2554396      
               专科学生 Short-cycle Courses   43809 45583 136229      
  (二)民办其他高等教育机构 (799)       26290 12083 883009
Other Non-government HEIs
Non-government Secondary Education
  (一)高中阶段教育 Senior Secondary Education 4785 1483909 1546821 4282286 466438 336912  
        1.民办普通高中 2442 744437 827299 2386542 355368 262622  
Regular Senior Secondary Schools
        2.民办中等职业教育 2343 739472 719522 1895744 111070 74290 294471
Secondary Vocational Education
  (二)初中阶段教育 Junior Secondary Education 4744 1421784 1677377 4870018 376317 286825  
        1.民办普通初中 4743 1421774 1677353 4869950 376312 286821  
Regular Junior Secondary Schools
三、民办普通小学 5681 1045563 1148019 6741425 225892 168023  
Non-government Regular Primary Schools
四、民办幼儿园 Non-government Pre-school Education 139282 6737691 9536605 21253781 2056325 1131802  
另有:民办培训机构(不计校数) (20001)       234896 135365 8679377
Other Vocational-technical Training Institutions




Note: 1. Number of the other Students Followed in the Classes run by Non-government HEIs for Students Preparing for State-administered Examinatims for Self-directed Leaners, College-preparatory Classes, In-service Training;

    2. Data on non-government secondary vocational education does not include those of skilled workers schools;

    3. The numbers within “( )” are not included.

